目前分類:個人心得 (22)

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  • 使用目前比較少病毒會入侵的win7 64作業系統
  • 知道自己使用的防毒軟體的名稱、版本以及病毒庫日期,更新是否正常
  • 清楚知道自己使用的免費防毒所能提供的防禦是有限的
  • 不要笨到相信需付費的防毒會有破解版
  • 看到不明網頁連結會先確認提供者的身分並確定是由其本人提供
  • 看到情色廣告會忍住好奇心不去點來看
  • 宣稱免費的免費外掛或小遊戲會先去網路查一下可信度並小心使用
  • 盡量避免使用破解軟體,尤其是使用註冊機
  • 安裝任何軟體不會一直按下一步,而是仔仔細細的看清各個步驟,以免被安裝了不需要安裝的元件或其他程式而不自知
  • 盡量避免安裝自稱可搜尋、下載免費影片、音樂的非法軟體
  • 清楚並了解病毒的感染原理
  • 當桌面跳出『發現病毒』的時候,清楚是否是自己使用的防毒軟體跳出的警告,而不是偽裝的
  • 使用非IE核心的瀏覽器
  • 當免費防毒提出警告時,知道該如何確定自己有沒有中毒
  • 無論任何管道取得的檔案或程式,在存入自己電腦或使用前要先使用多種方式掃毒
  • 當你確定中毒時,知道該如何盡力解決而不是只會送修
  • 電腦變慢、網路變慢時,知道該怎麼判定是中毒還是自己程式開太多或者根本是電腦等級不足



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原始連結:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1611042302726 請看意見欄


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2010/7/15的回答: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1010071507206

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Panda Cloud Antivirus

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一般自稱antivirus的軟體,我們都叫他防毒軟體,加上防火牆及部份其他功能就變成Internet Security,但他就不防木馬嗎?這可是個天大的誤會!

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我們常會聽到「某某防毒品牌比其它品牌優勝」、「某品牌屢獲權威測試機構最高評價」之類的宣傳句子,但說到防毒品牌之間有何差異,卻未必人人說得出來。事實上,優勝的防毒品牌採用了怎樣的壓倒性技術,讓它在測試中傲視同齊?這些技術又有何革命性的意義,更周全地保護我們的計算機安全呢?在本篇文章中,我們將會深入剖析 NOD32 專利的 ThreatSense Technology 與嶄新的 ThreatSense.Net 系統。

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0 A coconut is a? Fruit
1 A crepe is typical a? Thinly cooked pancake
2 A tomato is a? Fruit
3 Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what? Seaweed
4 Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from? Seaweed
5 Bechamel sauce is also known as? White Sauce
6 Calamari is fried? Squid
7 Calzone can be found in what restaurant? Italian
8 Caviar is made from? Fish Egg
9 Chicago-style pizzas are generally? Deep Dish
10 Chilli is a? Fruit
11 Dim sum originated from which country? China
12 Dulce de leche is prepared by heating? Sweetened Milk
13 Feta cheese is made from? Greece
14 Feta cheese is traditionally made in which country? Greece
15 Flank is in which part of cow? Mid
16 Foie gras is food made from which part of an animal? Liver
17 From where honey comes? Bees
18 Granny smith apples are? Green
19 Grapes grow on? Vines
20 Honey comes from? Bees
21 Hors d'oeuvres is french for? Appetizers
22 In england, french fries are called? Chips
23 In which restaurant could you find burritos? Mexican
24 In which restaurant do you typically find burritos? Mexican
25 In which restaurant would you typically find calzone? Italian
26 In which restaurant would you typically find sushi? Japanese
27 In which restaurant would you typically find tacos? Mexican
28 In which restaurant would you typically find tapas? Spanish
29 Ketchup is made from? Tomato
30 Kimchi is a korean dish made of fermented? Vegetables
31 Kobe beef originates from which country? Japan
32 Lard is the fat obtained from which animal? Pig
33 Marzipan is made from? Almonds
34 Naan bread is typically served with? Indian Food
35 Natto, a traditional japanese food, is made from fermented? Soybeans
36 New-york style pizzas are generally? Thin crust
37 Prunes are dried? Plums
38 Raisins are dried? Grapes
39 Ratatouille is a? Vegetarian Dish
40 Saffron is a? Spice
41 Sauerkraut is made from? Fermented Cabbage
42 Steak Tartane is made from raw? Beef
43 Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw? Beef
44 The chuck is found where on the cow? Front
45 The flank is found where on the cow? Mid
46 The kobe beef originated from which country? Japan
47 The main ingredient in guacamole is? Avocado
48 The main ingredient in ratatouille is? Tomatoes
49 The main ingredient of ratatouille is? Tomatoes
50 The main ingredients in tzatziki are? Yoghurt and Cucumber
51 The pizza originates from which country? Italy
52 The rump is found where on the cow? Back
53 The sirloin is found where on the cow? Mid
54 The tuna is a? Slat Water Fish
55 To blanch a vegetable, means to? Boil and Cool off quickly
56 To blanche food is to? Par boil it
57 To blanche food is to? Par boil it
58 To garnish a dish, means to? Add Final Touches
59 To garnish a food means? Add final touches
60 To garnish a food means? To give a final touch
61 To poach something means? To cook in boiling water
62 To proof dough means to? Allow it to rise
63 To refresh a vegetable, means to? Immerse It into cold water
64 To refresh vegetables is? To immerse in COLD water
65 To saute a dish, means to? Fry quickly in hot pan
66 Tofu is made of? Soybean
67 Traditional soy sauce is? Salty
68 Truffles are? Fungi
69 Venison is the meat from what animal? Deer
70 Wasabi is made from a type from japanese? Horseradish
71 Wasabi is made from? Horseradish
72 What are truffles? Fungi
73 What color is grandma something's apple? EX RED APPLE - the word beneath it says “yellow”
74 What color is tuna meat? Pink
75 What gives traditional salsa verde its vibrant green color? Parsley
76 What gives traditional salsa verde its vibrant green color? Parsley
77 What is a calzone? A turnover made of pizza dough
78 What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time? Kiwi
79 What is chocolate bloom? Cocoa fat or sugar
80 What is coconut? Fruit
81 What is gelatin made of? Algae
82 What is hashi? Chopsticks / Japanese
83 What is houmous made from? Chickenpeas
84 What is humou made from? Chichen
85 What is ketchup made of? Tomatoes
86 What is kimchi, a koren food, made from fermented? Vegetable
87 What is main ingredient of tofu? Soy Beans
88 What is natto, a japanese food, made from fermented? Beans
89 What is saffron? Spice
90 What is stracchino? A fresh cheese from Italy
91 What is the chicago style pizza? Thin-crust, Stuffed, Deep-dish, Pan
92 What is the color of rhubarb? Red
93 What is the gourmet point gained for a level 10 dish? 2.8
94 What is the main ingredient in hummus? Chickpeas
95 What is the main ingredient in ratatouille? Tomato
96 What is the main ingredient of ratatouille is? Tomatos
97 What is the main ingredient of wasabi? Horseradish
98 What is the most expensive spice in the world? Saffron
99 What is the spiciest pepper? Naga jolokia pepper
100 What kind of pizza is chicago style? Deep dish
101 What of the followings is not the ingredient of mayonnaise? Milk
102 What part of a cow is the chuck? Shoulder of a cow or the front area
103 Where did feta cheese come from? Greece
104 Where did pizza originate from? Italy
105 Where does dim sum originate from? China
106 Where does taco orignate from? Mexico
107 Where does tapo orignate from? Spain
108 Where is the hamburger originaly from? United states
109 Where is tuna from? Salt Water
110 Which animal does lard come from? Pig
111 Which coffee drink does not have any milk? Espresso
112 Which continent produces the most cocoa? Africa
113 Which country produces more chocolate? Africa
114 Which item is not a type of pasta? Miso
115 Which of the following beverages does not contain milk? Espresso
116 Which of the following herbs is found in bearnaise sauce? Tarragon
117 Which of the following is not the ingredient of mayonnaise? Milk
118 Which of the following is traditionally found in pesto? Basil
119 Which of the following spices is the most expensive? Pure Vanilla
120 Which of these chillies is the spiciest? Naga jolokia pepper
121 Which of these coffee based drinks do not contain milk? Espresso
122 Which of these fruits were originally called chinese gooseberry? Kiwi Fruit
123 Which of these is not a type of noodle? Miso
124 Which part of cow is the sirloin steak? The center/middle
125 Which sauce used in egg benedicts? Hollandaise sauce
126 Which sause is typically used in the dish eggs benedict? Hollandaise Sauce

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我家最近換了新電腦 在沒裝防毒軟體以前

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